Development Permits
Development permits are available through the County Administration office. The fee for the permit will depend on the type of permit being applied for. Fees range from $50 - $100 for basic permits that include permitted use and a minimum fee of $200 for discretionary permits. Adjacent landowners must be notified for any discretionary use permit. Non-residential farm buildings (barns, etc.) are exempt, but must meet the required setbacks from road allowances. Please see FORMS LINK below for the Development Permit Application Form.
Approach Requests
Approach requests may be needed when there is no access to a new property or the approach needs maintenance. Requests can be emailed to Public Works and if the request is approved work will be done when crews are available. Refer to Policy M12 in the Policy Manual for more information.
Please see Service Request Forms and Agreements list for the Approach Request Form.
Permitted Use Permit
A permitted use permit can generally be issued the day it is applied for if all setbacks and other requirements are met. Please call the County Administration Office and speak to the Development Officer for information on permitted uses in the area you are applying for. To expedite the approval process, please fill it out completely, attach a detailed site plan showing all setbacks from road allowances and other buildings and waterways. Homes must include a detailed plan showing square footage or square meters of buildings or additions.
Discretionary Use Permit
Adjacent landowners must be notified when a discretionary use permit is requested. The County is required to send out the notice seven days prior to the scheduled hearing date. If no objections are received, a permit is usually approved, however, adjacent landowners must once again be notified that the permit has been approved and there is one more opportunity to object. The County must allow seven days for mailing and fourteen days to reply to the Notice of Decision before issuing the Development Permit. Therefore, this process is considerably longer than Permitted Use permits
If any objections to a discretionary permit are received, a hearing is scheduled and several more weeks could be required before a decision is made to issue the permit or not.
If no objections to the Notice of Decision are received, the Development Permit is issued at the next Planning meeting.
Planning meetings are held as required, in conjunction with Council meeting generally held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
When a discretionary permit is required it is advisable to apply for the permit two to three months in advance of construction date in order to avoid delays to the desired start date.
All County of Warner subdivision applications are handled through the Oldman River Regional Services Commission located at 3105 - 16 Avenue North in Lethbridge. Please ask for Steve Harty.
Their office can be contacted at 403-329-1344 or 1-877-329-1387.
Intensive Livestock Applications
The County no longer has jurisdiction over Intensive Livestock applications. The Natural Resources Conservation Board now looks after these applications. Please contact them at:
Lethbridge Office
Agriculture Centre
#100, 5401 - 1st Avenue South
Phone: 403-381-5166
NRCB Web Site: